Transform Ways of Working


Are you looking for ways to:

  • Refine a hybrid working model by addressing lingering, unhealthy ways of working

  • Create and embed healthier and more sustainable working practices

  • Give your employees new tools to improve their wellbeing and productivity

  • Address specific wellbeing risks highlighted in your risk and materiality assessments

At flow²thrive, we’ve developed two models BrainEnergy and BrainBox to help organisations and individuals analyse, structure and optimise the cognitive energy and performance of their people.

Methods proven to improve wellbeing, brain energy, productivity and performance.


The BrainEnergy model goes to the core of the human brain; what makes it thrive and work well, irrespective of where you work and what type of work that you do.

It includes 16 work factors and habits which, backed up by neuroscience, can help individuals and teams alike to thrive; physically, mentally and cognitively.


BrainBox goes beyond the traditional focus and flow, recognising that every task you perform requires a different brain network to be active. Each network works better in a specific place and space, and consumes different levels of energy.

The model can help individuals and groups to structure their days differently by narrowing in on how to use the brain’s different networks to their best potential.

We can work with you:

  • By providing one-off inspiring presentations

  • Through tailor-made workshop series, or

  • Along a more long-term transformation journey